Just in time for tonight's 8 Off 8th Halloween show, we had a little chat with Lauren Strange, who is performing with the Pretty Killers. Read on for Lauren's thoughts about music, life, and what kind of shenanigans to expect tonight.
Love Local Nashville: How would you describe your music? What influences you? Lauren Strange: Organic rock n roll with influences ranging from Foo Fighters to Jimmy Eat World to Ryan Adams. LLN: How do you approach songwriting? What elements do you try to emphasize? LS: I write from current and past personal experiences. Even if a part of a song is embellished in some way lyrically, there's always an underlying element of truth. My favorite part of the songs I write is usually the bridge. And who doesn't love a good hook? LLN: What is your ultimate musical goal? Ideal collaboration? LS: My ultimate goal is just to be able to continue to write about my life & experiences. I want to be true to myself & what I'm capable of creating. Ideal collaboration? I wanna make an EP at PAX/AM with Ryan Adams. LLN: Anything special planned for the Halloween show? LS: You might see me dressed as Evel Knievel...or a cat. I haven't decided yet. Do you have a cape I could borrow? Also, we'll have some glow in the dark merch available! Listen to Lauren's latest, Say Yes, over at her website. And come to Mercy Lounge tonight to hear her and 7 other great bands for free!
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