If you're up for some free tunes, head over to Basement East to hear up-and-coming artists Jess Nolan and Nightly, sponsored by BMI.
Jess Nolan on Soundcloud NIGHTLY website
On the heels of an exciting reunion announcement, and the resurrection of Mystery Science Theater 3000, the cats at RiffTrax are back in town to revisit one of the most beloved and oft-quoted films of the MST3K era: Time Chasers! They'll also be riffing an all-new short—this writer's favorite riff genre.
RiffTrax has made Nashville a second home of sorts, playing sold out shows here for years. Since their usual haunt, the Belcourt, is currently undergoing renovations, tonight's show is at TPAC and there are still tickets available—very unusual for a RiffTrax show. Now's your chance to see them. Don't miss out! Join us for a very special 8 off 8th on June 20, 2016 featuring sets from Christina Rae, Lust & the Black Cat, The Bumbs, Ida Grey, Milk People, The Prescriptions, The Minks and Black VenusHIGH WATT/MERCY LOUNGE See the Facebook event page at
https://www.facebook.com/events/1539224396380435/ |